Well it's not like I've not been doing anything! :)) I created this small, fun and easy tutorial which I hope you'll enjoy! I've made many of these as gifts and just as a place to put my earrings. They're fun and the materials can be found in any craft store. Use your spare large wooden beads, large glass bobbles, mosaic tiles and crystals to create a variety of whimsy designs.
The file is a .pdf file and can be downloaded from my FREE TUTORIAL PROJECTS page
Have fun! Suggestions and comments are always welcome on my tutorials. I appreciate your eyes, your friendship and your time!
Izzy, I really like the gem tree. I can imagine color coordinating beads and bits in Christmas themes, all clear crystals, and more. Thanks for the free how to!
S & T Creations
Thank YOU Teri :)) What a wonderful idea to use Xmas bits! I hope you enjoy the tutorial and I appreciate to see your smiling face here :)
Hugs and happy creating!
Nice idea and thanks for the free tutorial.
Thanks for the visit Jane and I hope you enjoy :)
Nice article,
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.
God Bless you.
Your gem tree is a gem!! I am going to link in an upcoming post. Thanks very much for sharing.
I am speechless, it is soooo gorgeous!! U are one talented lady, my friend's mom birthday is next month. I am pretty sure she will like this if I make it for her.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you both! I'm so glad you like it! They're wonderfully easy and lots of fun. I use large, inexpensive glass beads also sometimes (thread it onto the wire, wrap a time or two, etc...) same idea, lots of ideas! :)) xo
Hey, I'm so glad I came across your blog.
I'm an aspiring jewelry designer and illustrator, you can check out my blog at: circleofdesign.blogspot.com
I'll be sure to try out this Earring Hanger Display Tree.
Very nice work!
Btw I love your origami work as well.
Your free tutorials is an awesome inspiration! Many thanks for sharing. I would like to feature your designs at http://www.handmade-jewelry-club.com/
Contact me here if you have a concern.
thank you for the tutorials! I'm just getting into wires and beads and all that, so I can't wait to try these out.
Aldina, Jane, Kaf, thankyou so much! I appreciate your visits, your kind comments and it thrills me you're enjoying the tutos! ;) xoxo much love and happy creative moments!
This is GREAT! I LOVE this and decided to make one. Let's just say that it was WAAAAYYYY harder than it looked. If you would like to see my "version" please go here:
Hey Miss! I took a look at your tree and I think you did a great job! They're fun but it takes a time or two before they cooperate ;) xo I'm so glad you created one and I'm thrilled you enjoyed the tutorial! Many hugs and thanks again. :)
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