"She also, makes amazing jewelry and can be found in the links...
Now, I have another moment to sit and properly thank Jeanne. Her jewelry is outstanding, like I've mentioned but that's not what I'm writing about. I'm writing about her encouragement of my writing.
Somewhere, deep down below and around my 'pockets', there is a special love. I think I didn't realize how important until recently. I love to write. About anything, all things, nothing, poetry, jokes, rambling... I've been exploring that for a year (poems of mine)
So, here, again in this amazing group of 'Jewelry' Artists... I meet Ms. Amequohi. We have the pleasure to chat a few times and get to knowin' each other. Her encouragement, support, enthusiasm and even her little shmoosing and egging... got me to Smashwords. I've been kind of test driving it for a couple weeks now and I see, for as new as they are, that it's going to be the perfect place for me to 'become my author'. ;) She's opened up a whole new world of 'hope' for me, excitement and just pure joy to know that I can put my 'books' out there somewhere.
Visit Smashwords here if you want a great place to publish your ebooks. At the moment, I don't see that they do 'how to' books, but if you write story or poetry, fiction... its' perfect.
Ms. Amequohi - thank you my friend. xoxo
You help me realize a love.
Now, I have time to sit and write something proper about a couple of women. A couple of fine artists and most certainly, two dear friends. First, here are their links.
also, click each image to 'go there'
Anyway... here I sit on sunny days, rainy days, snowy days and I watch our forum conversations go by while I do my ma(dd)ness...
I try to help some here and there, I make silly most everywhere and I learn, from all of you. And I watch how many endless, selfish less, helpful emails are fired off minute after minute. Some new to the group, some seasoned, some familiar to ourselves in several other places, everyone working hard to help each other enjoy and be successful at our arts.
And... I laugh my head off sometimes because we're all a bunch of delightful nuts! :)
And... I watch Jamie, over and over, write the most thoughtful, informative, instructional emails to share how we can help each other. There are many of you who do this so please know you're not unnoticed, but today, I'm writing to these two 'first friends' of mine who lead me to all of you...
I know I could write about how beautiful Jamie's jewelry is, but I think that's all quite obvious. What I want her to know is how beautiful the rest of her loving and sharing heart is and that those artful efforts of hers are also, loved and appreciated. As much as her jewelry is eye candy :)
Please go visit each of them. Enjoy their amazing art, but know how else they're amazing and say hello. :) Hugs to you all. A delightful team. All delightful artists. And some of the best people I share text with! lol!! xoxo
Please visit yourselves and ourselves at the sidebar! Nice to see you here too.
YES! I am working on jewelry too! Dad and G did bring back a bundle of rocks, so I'm a wrappin'... soon for pics. xo Thanks and love to them!
Oh! And I pretended like I was an author this weekend and so I 'published' my first little ebook! yipps! In the mini.me on the side bar... I.SmashWords.Together If you write or like to read cheesy poetry... go see me! :D Just kidding... It might not all be cheeky, but it is a new 'art' for me, so thanks for any feedback if you do. xo My writing is also in the Mini.Me. Izzy.She be.
She also, makes amazing jewelry and can be found in the links... http://www.jewelrygeeks.com/amequohi
Hugs to all - back to my wire!
Thanks for visiting Perfectly Twisted Jewelry!
Please contact me with comments or questions!
Thank you for mentioning me in your blog! It really makes me feel nice and warm and fuzzy...a good feeling right now ya know? :) Keep up the great work, and I'm so glad to know you!
Creations by JAE
So glad you joined our team. You do beautiful wire-wrapping work.
I've chosen you (again) for (another) award! It's the Lemonade Award! Check out my blog at http://creationsbyjae.blogspot.com for more details!!! Luv ya!
Creations by JAE
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