
Learning to Weave Wire - A Twisted Serpent

This isn't finished yet and I have a wonderful story to go with it... but wanted to share the progress as of today.  I built the frame and used the weave I spoke of in the first post... a simple looping action but rather than a one to one loop, I used three and two.

Please remember that what I'm showing are weaving techniques as I create pieces and learn.  These are not full blown project tutorials, but I do hope you can use the information to inspire your own creative projects!

1.  Anchor your weaving wire (26 or 28 gauge is best) by creating three single loops around the outside frame wire.

2.  Loops four and five should cross both frame wires and then do three more single loops around the outside wire.

3.  Repeat this pattern all around your frame wires.  You can, like I did, choose a logical and attractive point to break the weaving pattern and do simple coiling around both frame wires, then continue the weave pattern.

You will notice that I'm actually using three frame wires here... I add the third wire into the weaving pattern in the middle section of my Serpent. ;)

In this section, I stop the three to two loop pattern and move to a one loop pattern over each of the three wires.

1.  Starting at the inside frame wire, anchor the weaving wire by creating three single loops, moving the wire to the right.

2.  Cross the center frame wire and weave down, between the center frame wire and the right side frame wire.  Bring the 26g back up between the first and center frame wires, completely encircling the center frame wire.

3.  Bring the weaving wire across the right side frame wire and make a complete loop around the outside frame wire.  Bring it under and back up between the first and center frame wire, then down between the center and right side, to completely encircle the center frame wire.

4.  Bring the weaving wire under and up the outside of the first frame wire.
Repeat this pattern as far up your piece as you desire, when using three frame wires.

This is what it looks like so far.  I haven't anchored the focal bead yet, but have it positioned for a visual inspection on my pendant.  Here's a peak at the whole thing... remember, it isn't finished!  So I hope you come back to see where this goes.

Enjoy your wire craft and have a beautiful day!


  1. Hi Susan: I've been going back over some of your older posts. It's interesting watching your technique and style evolve over time.

    I can't seem to find the finished version of the coiled serpent. Am curious to know how you anchored the focal bead and how you finished the piece.

  2. Hi Pam, thanks for your comment... this piece never actually got finished! :)) I put the bead into place by threading wire through it and attaching to the sides, the end result was that life went about and this was put aside. I did however, continue to practice until I got the style of weave that I'm happy with and continue to learn... it's a pleasure to work in this way and I hope you enjoy the art also. Yes, the change of style is something that took some time and I'm actually thinking about 'merging' the two in some form, in this coming year. Thank you for your comment!

  3. You inspire me to look around for this piece Pam... perhaps it will get done sometime in 2015 after all ;)

  4. ... and I hope you'll consider to visit my store for my detailed wire jewelry tutorials...
